Location: Miyagi, Japan Venue: Xebio Arena Sendai English Commentary: Walker Stewart & Callum Newman [B Block] Boltin Oleg [4] vs Konosuke Takeshita [8] Time for Oleg to have his first banger? Takeshita fires off a huge forearm in the ropes, and Oleg tosses him all the way outside with a release suplex. Takeshita delivers a big boot on the apron and hits a tope con hilo to take out Oleg on the floor. Back to the apron, Takeshita flattens Oleg with a DDT, and nails a flying forearm back in the ring.

They trade strikes until Oleg reels him in for a judo takedown. Big chop in the corner from Oleg, running corner splash and a shoulder tackle followed by the flying body sausage for 2. Gutwrench applied, no Takeshita elbows out of it.

Powerdrive knee caught, counters with a uranage. Boltin Bomb countered, Takeshita spins him out of the corner into a Blue Thunder Bomb! Lovely! Oleg tries to rally but Takeshita hooks him into a brainbuster! But Oleg is right back up for the gutwrench shake/suplex combination. Boltin Bomb connects, 1, 2, no.

Stereo lariats, Oleg takes Takeshita down with another, gets him on his shoulders and hits the Kamikaze! 1, 2, NO. Another Kamikaze attempt but Takeshita counters with a German. Oleg responds with one of his own, and here comes one more from Takeshita.

Another from Oleg! It’s a German Suplex War! FUCKING HUGE ELBOW SHOT TO OLEG! GERMAN TO TAKESHITA AND HE LANDS ON HIS HEAD! Shotgun dropkick, 1 count kickout. Kamikaze, no Takeshita with a rollup .