Telugu actor Naga Chaitanya and actress Sobhita Dhulipala recently got engaged in a private ceremony at Naga Chaitanya's home, attended only by close family. Shobhita shared photos from the event on Instagram, which quickly went viral. One particular photo drew attention due to the name of Sobhita's sister, who shares the same name as Naga Chaitanya's ex-wife, actor Samantha.

Samanta Dhulipala, now a doctor living abroad, attended the engagement with her husband, Dr. Shahil Gupta. Samanta posted pictures from the event with the caption "Forever, 2022 to Infinity," referencing the start of Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya's relationship in 2022.

Recently, Naga Chaitanya's father, Nagarjuna, mentioned that Naga Chaitanya was deeply affected at the time by his divorce from Samantha. The couple, who married in 2017, separated in 2021 after four years of marriage. Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita announced their engagement last Thursday, with Nagarjuna Akkineni breaking the news.

The veteran actor also shared pictures of his son and Sobhita from their engagement ceremony on his X handle. For the special day, Naga Chaitanya opted for a white kurta pyjama and teamed it with a matching dupatta. Sobhita looked beautiful in a peach-hued traditional saree.

For glam, she carried a subtle makeup look and kept her hair in a bun accessorised with flowers. Last year, a photo of Sobhita with Naga Chaitanya went viral, leading to a wave of online criticism. Many trolls claimed she was involved in Naga’s.