Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has sent a legal notice to Asia News International (ANI) and the legal team representing the two accused in the firing incident outside his residence, demanding an apology over claims that he has "known links" to underworld gangster Dawood Ibrahim's “D-Company.” The actor’s legal action comes in response to a news article published by ANI, which quoted advocate Amit Mishra, the lawyer representing the accused, Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal. The article, dated September 4, claims Mishra alleged his clients were being threatened by D-Company members and requested police protection.

Mishra further stated that Salman Khan, the victim in the firing case, allegedly has "known relations" with Dawood and suggested that the actor may want the accused eliminated. A post shared by Faye D’Souza (@fayedsouza) Khan’s legal notice, sent via DSK Legal, strongly refutes these claims, labeling the allegations as "false, baseless, malicious, grossly defamatory, misleading, and damaging." The notice emphasizes that Salman Khan has no connection with the accused or any underworld figure, stating that the actor is, in fact, the victim of a criminal act.

The notice reads, "Our client (Khan) denies all the allegations made by Mishra against him in the article and asserts that they are intended to malign his reputation, which he has worked tirelessly to build over the years." Khan's legal team also points out that the claims made by Mishra and published by ANI co.