Ahead of Ganesh Chaturthi, Bollywood’s Bhaijaan Salman Khan recently attended an event in Mumbai. The superstar urged his fans to bring home an eco-friendly Ganesha and even won hearts when he tried his hand at singing. Salman also shook a leg to his popular track Jalwa from the 2009 film Wanted.

While a majority of netizens showered love on their beloved Bhaijaan, there were many who trolled the actor. Some felt he was forced to dance whereas others age-shamed him and body-shamed him. One such nasty comment read: “Ab Budhe ho gaye .

..Aaram karo😂.

” A post shared by Instant Bollywood (@instantbollywood) Well, we would like to inform these heartless trolls that Salman is suffering from a rib injury, as revealed by the host of the event. Despite being under treatment, he fulfilled his commitment by attending the event even though he was visibly in pain. According to buzz on the internet, the shooting of his next film Sikandar has also come to a halt because Bhaijaan needs rest to recover.

After learning the same, many fans are now praying for Salman’s speedy recovery. Reacting to all the trolling, one heartbroken fan tweeted: “Aur Yaha Kuch fans Bhai ko troll kar rha hn 💔💔.” Lauding Salman’s commitment to his work, a social media user shared, “Ghayal Sher Ki Dahad Bhaut Khatrnak Hoti hai.

.🔥”, whereas another wellwisher tweeted: “May Allah take away all the pain that comes your way Bhaijaan, just like you heal all the pain of the poor and needy �.