The announcement of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's epic love saga 'Love & War' has left everyone excited to witness yet another cinematic spectacle from the filmmaker. While SLB has treated us to many unforgettable love stories, he has also delivered some truly remarkable love triangles that were a delight to watch. As the filmmaker gears up to release another love triangle with his upcoming 'Love & War', set to release on March 20, 2026, let's take a look at some iconic love triangles he has given us.
ADVERTISEMENT Sanjay Leela Bhansali's iconic love triangles SLB crafted a magical love triangle that remains unparalleled in Indian cinema. It’s the love story of a couple who must part ways due to family pressures. Eventually, the woman marries another man in an arranged setup.
Later, he discovers that she is in love with someone else and travels the world to find his wife, the love of his life. While the film highlights the amazing chemistry between Salman Khan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Ajay Devgn's role in their love story also played a significant part. SLB brought to life a love story that has carved a special place in the hearts of the audience.
It tells the story of Devdas, who becomes an alcoholic after his wealthy family forbids him from marrying the woman he loves, while another woman falls in love with him. This was indeed one of the most iconic love triangles Indian cinema has ever seen and remains one of the most beloved. SLB delivered an epic historical love saga to .