SALISBURY — The Salisbury City Council approved a rezoning on Tuesday that removes a Fulton Heights four-plex from a Historic Residential zoning, a change that neighbors and the applicant said would actually help restore the historic building. “I’m with the Historic Salisbury Foundation, and if you were just to look at the black-and-white what are they asking for, it would appear that we would be here to oppose. Taking anything out of being zoned Historic Residential would seem counterintuitive, but in this particular case it’s something that’s required for this project to move forward,” said HSF Executive Director Kimberly Stieg.

The building in question stands at 200 Mitchell Avenue in the Fulton Heights neighborhood. The Fulton Heights Historic District calls the house the T.A.

Ludwick House and states that it was built sometime in the early 1900s, specifically estimating that it was built in approximately 1908. The house served as multi-family housing by the 1930s, with the interior containing four separate apartments. “The footprint of each of the four apartments is almost identical, but they are all super cool as far as the architecture and the historic fabric that is in there.

If you were to turn this back into single-family it would destroy all of that. One of the coolest features is in the entrance when you first walk in and you see those built-in mailboxes. You just can’t recreate that.

There are central hallways in each apartment, so if you were to .