In the ‘Angry Young Men’ documentary, legendary screenwriter Salim Khan shared deeply personal stories about his early struggles in Mumbai and his romance with Salma Khan , the mother of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. These candid revelations shed light on the challenges he faced during his journey from an aspiring actor to one of the most respected screenwriters in Indian cinema. Salim Khan, who hailed from a comfortable life in Indore, recalled his humble beginnings in Mumbai.

Upon arriving in the city, he lived at a guest house on Marine Drive, where he paid a modest Rs 55 rent per month for half a room. “My first ambition was to rent the entire room for Rs 110, but that wish was never fulfilled,” Salim shared, reflecting on his early days with a touch of nostalgia. Leaving behind the security of his family home, Salim faced considerable hardships in Mumbai.

He explained, “When I was leaving for Mumbai, my eldest brother told me this is not required, you’ll come running back. We had a comfortable lifestyle back in Indore, but I didn’t want to ask for money from home, so I struggled.” This decision to be independent marked the beginning of a challenging period in Salim’s life, one where he had to navigate the uncertainties of a new city on his own.

During these trying times, Salim met Salma Khan, who was only 17 years old at the time. Salim, then 24, frequently spotted her from his balcony, as she lived nearby in the Regi House building in Mahim. Their r.