In men, urinary problems tend to increase with age. Why does it happen? And what can be done to remedy this problem? Recently, a bizarre incident from the US made news, wherein a leading global tech company fired an employee who relieved himself in a hotel lobby in New York. According to news reports, the 66-year-old worked as a salesman at the company and was forced to urinate inside the lobby of a hotel at Times Square, owing to a bladder condition.

The aggrieved has claimed that the company's decision to terminate his employment was 'unjust'. Seeking redressal, he has slapped a lawsuit on the company's American subsidiary, demanding compensation in millions of dollars. While many people are finding it absolutely absurd that a person would want to relieve themselves urgently, and that, too, in a public place, doctors are of the opinion that certain health conditions pertaining to the bladder do, indeed, make it challenging for people to hold their pee.

What Happened In The Lobby? In this salesman's case, for instance, he has a chronic bladder condition that he has been managing since 2016. In February this year, while returning to his hotel after a work dinner, the man realised he needed to use the restroom urgently. Despite racing back, he could not hold himself any further.

The hotel's main lobby restroom was purportedly out of reach, too. He then decided to urinate in a quiet corner. A co-worker saw him do it and reported the matter to human resources that led to him los.