Saint Dinette owner Tim Niver has indicated that the beloved St. Paul Lowertown restaurant with the popular burger and iconic fried bologna sandwich will close at the end of March 2025. It’s a decision that the restaurant owner and famous hospitalitarian had been mulling for quite some time.

“Our lease is up at the end of March 2025,” Niver said. “It’s really hard to predict a future where five years from now [Saint Dinette] would be an irrefutable financial success.” On the restaurateur’s podcast Niver Niver Land , Instagram and to anyone who has reached out to him, Niver has contemplated the state of Lowertown and the overall restaurant landscape.

“I don’t see any major return — work-from-home people aren’t coming back,” he said in a recent phone conversation. “T he Madison Group’s [downtown building is] in bankruptcy . Government workers aren’t returning.

The overall tenor is not together it’s ...

frayed.” In the beginning When Saint Dinette opened in 2015, Niver was part of an ownership group launching the restaurant with plans for a flannel French formal sort of feel. Many of the faces that opened the restaurant were ported over from his other St.

Paul eatery at the time, the now-legendary Strip Club . The restaurant burst onto the scene at a time when Lowertown was transforming from an enclave with artists and old buildings around the farmers market to the site of major new construction, including condo buildings, CHS Field and light ra.