On January 16, 2024, actor Saif Ali Khan was brutally attacked at his Mumbai residence by an intruder. In a life-saving act, auto driver Bhajan Lal rushed the injured actor to Lilavati Hospital, where Saif was treated for multiple stab wounds. Just days after his discharge on Tuesday, Saif met with Bhajan to personally thank him for his timely help.
Saif's Gratitude and Respectful Encounter with Bhajan Lal On the day of his discharge, Saif Ali Khan personally called Bhajan Lal, requesting him to meet at the hospital at 3:30 pm. The auto driver arrived to find Saif's family present, including his mother, Sharmila Tagore, and his children. “All his family members were present there who greeted me and expressed gratefulness.
They said, ‘Thank you,’” Bhajan recalled. Saif, in a display of respect, even allowed Bhajan to touch his feet, a gesture of deep gratitude. A post shared by Bollywood Hungama???? (@realbollywoodhungama) An Emotional Moment for Bhajan Lal Bhajan Lal shared that Saif Ali Khan treated him with kindness throughout the meeting.
The actor’s family, including his mother and children, expressed their thanks for the heroic act that likely saved Saif’s life. “Let me know if ever you need anything,” Saif had told Bhajan during their emotional exchange. Bhajan also mentioned that he wasn't familiar with the actor's children by face but still felt warmly welcomed by them.
The Attack and Bhajan Lal's Quick Thinking Saif Ali Khan was attacked in the early .