Saif Ali Khan has reportedly recorded his statement with Mumbai police in attack case. For the unaverse, an intruder entered Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan's home on January 16. Reportedly, a robbery attempt was made that left Saif Ali Khan injured.
The actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital after he got stabbed by the intruder multiple times. Saif underwent a surgery post the attack. Latest report states that Saif recounted the January 16 horror as he recorded his statement.
Reportedly, Saif Ali Khan revealed that he was with Kareena Kapoor Khan in their bedroom on 11th floor of their building. They heard screams from the house help Eliyama Philip and rushed to younger son Jeh's bedroom. Eliyama Philip is Jeh's nanny.
As per a report in NDTV, when Saif Ali Khan reached Jeh's bedroom, he found an unidentified intruder. Reportedly, Jeh was crying and Saif got into a scuffle with the intruder as he tried to restrain him. The intruder then stabbed Saif Ali Khan multiple times in his neck, back, and arms.
Despite injuries, Saif Ali Khan managed to push the intruder away. The household staff ran out with Jeh and they managed to lock the attacker in the room. Earlier today, a copy of Saif Ali Khan's medical report made its way to the internet.
The report revealed that Saif Ali Khan got injured on his neck, back, wrist, shoulder and elbow. It also revealed that his friend Afsar Zaidi completed the admission process at Lilavati Hospital. The admission time mentioned is 4.
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