NEW DELHI: Actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed on January 16 at his 12th-floor apartment in the upscale Bandra area in Mumbai. As the actor underwent two surgeries, got discharged after 5 days and police arrested a Bangladeshi man in connection with the attack, several angles have come up in the last eight days along with various conspiracy angles. Here's a look at how the Saif Ali Khan attack case has unfolded in the last few days: Attack on Saif Ali Khan In a startling incident, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan suffered multiple stab wounds from an intruder who broke into his luxury Bandra flat on the 12th floor last week.

The actor was taken to nearby Lilavati Hospital in an auto. The 54-year-old actor was out of danger following an emergency surgery. Police registered a case of 'armed robbery with an attempt to cause death or grievous hurt'.

During the confrontation, Khan's house help, who alerted others in the house about the intruder, also received a minor hand injury. She subsequently filed an official complaint with the police. 'Attacker entered son Jeh's room, demanded Rs 1 cr' Eliyama Philip, aged 56, who works as a nurse at Khan's home, described the frightening incident.

The assailant, identified as a thin-built man around his late 30s with a dark complexion, made his way into the bedroom where Saif Ali Khan's 4-year-old son, Jeh, was asleep. Armed with a stick and a sharp blade, the perpetrator first demanded Rs 1 crore from Philip. Upon her refusal, he attacked her, re.