Gee, but it’s good to be back home as Simon and Garfunkel would have put it! I’ve been off the radar for a couple of weeks and headed straight for my favourite haunts in the west of Ireland where the wonderfully weird ecosystem meant the sun shone as the rest of the country waded through monsoon season. It was a well-trodden path that really starts with the shoulder drop which happens as you drive out of Oughterard and get that first glimpse of the Twelve Pins and with it, a sense that rest and relaxation beckons. A few days in Claddaghduff took in multiple visits to beautiful Omey Island and Sweeney’s Bar for early evening creamy pints.

One night on Inishbofin was too short but any time spent there is worth it for the breathtaking scenery, delicious sea breeze and musical nights at Murray’s. A quick trip into Clifden allowed for my death row meal of Mitchell’s lamb stew. The lamb, celery, potatoes, carrots and onions.

.. I’m salivating as I type and I haven’t even got to the soda bread yet.

Try it, you’ll understand. Onwards then to Renvyle House where the general manager, Anne Marie Kelly, gives the heartiest of welcomes and runs the place like a fine Swiss watch. It reminded me of that old TV show Fantasy Island, where you land in this splendid venue (Scrabble and turf fires with local beer and convivial company) and the rest of the world just disappears while you read those books that have been accumulating in recent months.

A day trip to Mám éan mounta.