Ryan Reynolds has jokes, especially when it comes to a joke of a movie he once made with his wife, Blake Lively ! Reynolds and his Deadpool & Wolverine co-star, Hugh Jackman , took part in Vanity Fair 's lie detector test series and Jackman couldn't help but bring up the sore subject that is Green Lantern . The 2011 DC Comics film, starring Reynolds and Lively, was a colossal flop. So much so, Reynolds has gone on the record to say the film was " pretty bad .

" And on the back of such disappointment, the studio scrapped a sequel. And with the Marvel Comics film already making a splash in theaters , Jackman wondered if Reynolds had watched Green Lantern with his family. Reynolds had not, and there's about a million other things he'd rather do than watch that film.

"I would actually, genuinely, rather watch just a f***ing 24-hour marathon of Paw Patrol ," he quipped. "But I have not watched it as a family. My kids have seen the trailer.

" That being said, Reynolds says he watched it during the pandemic -- after he blitzed through everything that every streaming platform had to offer. "During that time I'd finished Netflix, finished HBO Max, finished every streaming platform that exists. I had watched all the f***ing Bob Ross specials in backwards, even, by the way, which is a shot-for-shot remake of The Exorcist , and time to watch The Green Lantern , yeah," he said.

"I will say, a little drunk. That's also truthful." It's true.

The man conducting the lie detector test confirmed .