Residents in Danestone say they have been left looking on with envy and dismay as millions are spent on dazzling upgrades at Aberdeen parks. Futuristic space-age climbing frames are soon to be assembled at the beach, and fancy equipment has proven so popular at Hazlehead that it’s caused traffic jams. These Bridge of Don locals complain that Danestone Country Park didn’t even have a bench – until one kind-hearted carpenter took matters into their own hands and cobbled one together themselves.

And now they are calling for action to improve the “forgotten park of Aberdeen”. I visited to see if their anger was justified..

. What are my first impressions of Danestone Country Park? I headed out to the park on a sweltering afternoon in the middle of the school summer holidays to see for myself. After making my way past a slightly overgrown sign, I note that the huge piece of land is empty, except for the odd jogger and dog walker.

The park is extremely peaceful, so much so it’s hard to believe you are still in the city. I meet up with resident Margaret Campbell for a stroll. There’s a broken picnic table and two seats made from old planks of wood and tree stumps.

A pair of rusty goal posts are the only piece of play equipment, with nothing else to entice kids to visit the site next to the River Don. The park stretches so far it is easily accessible by those living in Tillydrone, Grandholm and Woodside. Paths running alongside it means residents can safely walk to Banna.