Esha Verma recently made her Instagram account private after Rupali Ganguly slammed her stepdaughter with a defamation charges of Rs 50 crore. Published: November 14, 2024 4:38 PM IST By Edited by Anupamaa actress Rupali Ganguly has recently taken legal action, issuing a defamation notice to her stepdaughter, Esha Verma, seeking a hefty compensation of Rs 50 crore. The legal move comes after Esha made serious allegations against both Rupali and her father, Ashwin Verma.

Esha accused Rupali of having an affair with Ashwin while he was still married to her mother and further claimed that the actress physically assaulted her mother in Mumbai. Esha Verma breaks silence for the first time after Rupali Ganguly’s defamation case In response to the defamation case, Esha has shared a video message on Instagram, where she expressed that she is focusing on moving forward with her life. In the video, Esha also revealed that she is currently in America, where she feels more protected amid the ongoing legal drama.

After the Anupamaa actress issued the defamation notice, Esha Verma swiftly removed all posts related to the Anupamaa actress from her social media and even made her Instagram account private. However, Esha recently returned to Instagram, posting a video message for her followers. In the video, she shared her thoughts, saying, “Hi everybody.

It’s Esha here and I just want to say thank you all for being so kind and supportive and sweet. It means the world to me. And I’m ju.