The cardiovascular benefits, the endorphin rush, the sense of freedom, the competitive opportunities ...

devoted runners love the feeling they get from hitting the pavement or trail and letting their own two feet carry them away. But is it possible to run too much? Maybe. Changing your regular running routine every now and then doesn’t just offer variety, it can be good for your body, mind and soul — and a number of other ways as well.

Running is a high-impact activity that puts more stress on your body — especially your hips, knees and ankles — than more gentle forms of exercise. That stress can negatively impact your performance over time. Making sure you use good form and proper technique when running can help, but so can giving your joints an occasional break by switching up your usual run for swimming, yoga or an elliptical training session instead.

Bonus, lower-impact activities give minor muscle injuries a chance to heal before they progress into something more serious. Let’s face it. Doing the same workout every day can get boring.

Plus, you may hit a plateau after a while and stop seeing results. Don’t be discouraged. Instead, view this as a chance to hit the pause button on running and seek out new physical challenges to pursue instead.

This may be the perfect time to try out something you’ve had your eye on for a while. Maybe you’ve always wanted to take golf lessons, try Pilates or join a local volleyball league. Pickleball, perhaps? The sky’s th.