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The housing crisis appears to have two elements. First, the lack of availability and supply; and second, the younger generation not having the financial capability to buy. By way of preamble, my experience is that most self-managed superannuants view their superannuation benefits, apart from their short-term needs as a ′′⁣testamentary asset′′⁣ that is, something that should grow and be left to the next generation.

This is fallacious as the fundamental purpose of a superannuation fund is that of being to provide benefits to its members and the assets used accordingly. Simply, the funds are there to be spent. To assist in the housing crisis (′′⁣ Super-for-housing plan will save $1b: Coalition ′′⁣, 17/9) and to pre-empt the testamentary element the rules governing self-managed superannuation funds could be relaxed to allow distributions/loans to children of members to assist in the purchase of principal places of residence on reasonable commercial terms.

Richard Sykes, Bell Park There are alternative solutions The article ′′ ⁣PM blasts Senate in election clash on housing, environment ′′⁣ (17/9) doesn’t include other viable housing options. I am travelling in Canada, and in .