Hina Khan has openly shared her cancer journey with her fans on social media. However, in a recent interview with News18, Rozlyn Khan, a stage 4 cancer survivor herself, accused Hina of spreading misinformation and using her cancer treatment as a publicity stunt. Rozlyn Khan questioned Hina Khan for not providing specifics about her surgery and exaggerating the details.

She stated, “15 hours of mastectomy is impossible. She is exaggerating it. My surgery was 8 to 10 hours long because I was at stage four, and my 16 lymph nodes were removed.

It was a major surgery. In fact, she (Hina Khan) only said her surgery went for 15 hours. Which surgery is she talking about? She did not give details if it was MRM or what?” Rozlyn Khan further criticized Hina Khan for traveling the world, stating that cancer patients are typically advised to avoid crowds during chemotherapy.

She remarked, “Patients can get into trouble if they follow her.” Rozlyn also accused Hina of using her cancer treatment as a publicity stunt and said, “She talks about herself rather than talking about the treatments she is taking. She is keeping everything in the dark.

I doubt if she is at stage 3. Every interview or byte she gives only moves it around herself or her bravery. Nobody will take any action.

There is no law for spreading misinformation about any medical procedure or treatment in India, and people are misusing it.” Rozlyn Khan is an actor and model, and a stage 4 cancer survivor. In 2024, Hi.