An unelected monarch sits atop a golden throne, bedecked in jewels, cloaks and all the trimmings, reading out a prepared statement on his government’s plans for action - it’s all a rather unedifying spectacle, isn’t it? Just think for a moment about the sheer cost of his clobber. Surely it won’t have escaped the attention of the public of the stonking optics, if not downright hypocrisy, for a man to wear, quite literally, priceless jewels whilst announcing his government’s intention to set up an anti-poverty task force. The noble mission, which we support, to end child poverty could be boosted to the tune of billions if only the royal family hawked off one of their many crowns.

I accept that it’s low-hanging fruit to go after the aristocracy. Not that they’ll care, mind you. Despite the pomp, it was the message not the messenger that we were interested in.

After 14 years of Tory-led austerity which has brought public services and public service workers to their knees, we’ve been clear that a new UK Government needs to deliver for workers – that old phrase “it’s the economy, stupid” needs to take central stage . Contrary to Tory popular opinion, trade unionists don’t hold the economy to ransom or spend our time working to stall economic growth. Far from it.

When the economy grows, with workers’ rights and decent pay and conditions at the core of it, we all win. It's correct therefore that the Labour Government should set their strategic priorities o.