The media regulator has ruled outdoor travel website We Are Explorers and men’s lifestyle site Man of Many cover issue of “public significance” and should be allowed to negotiate with US social media giant Meta if the Albanese government enforces the News Media Bargaining Code, reports The AFR’s Sam Buckingham-Jones . Australia’s media regulator has added lifestyle, music, travel and city publications to the official list of digital mastheads with which Meta has to deal, in a move that could signal a much broader approach to the definition of public interest journalism. In order to be eligible to negotiate for a commercial agreement with Meta under the NMBC, digital publications must be registered by ACMA which must consider a number of tests.

[Read more] See also: Small publications ‘won’t be at the mercy of algorithms’: Preparing for possible Meta news ban An editorial in The Weekend AFR started: The media must always be wary of making itself the story. But indulge us this once because there is a lot more to the Albanese government’s mishandling of gambling advertising than the profitability of free-to-air television or a streaming app controlled by Rupert Murdoch . Let’s start at the beginning.

A 2023 parliamentary inquiry into online gambling chaired by late Labor MP Peta Murphy recommended an anti-smoking-style prohibition of all gambling ads to help tackle the social harms caused by problem gambling. After an 18-month delay in responding, Communicati.