Past and present hosts of ABC’s “The View” found common ground on social media following the third night of the Democratic National Convention by slamming Ann Coulter’s mockery of Gus Walz, the 17-year-old son of vice presidential candidate Tim Walz . Gus, who has a non-verbal learning disorder, went viral for his tearful reactions to his father’s speech at the DNC. In a since-deleted post on X, Coulter criticized Gus by writing: “Talk about weird.

” “Jesus. What ass-wipes,” Ana Navarro wrote in an Instagram post that featured Coulter’s deleted comment. “Of course Republicans and Trumpers on social media taking shots at Gus Walz.

You have to be a special kind of heart-less mutant to attack a 17 year-old special needs kid -not involved in politics- for the simple act of expressing love for his father. “Gus Walz is neurodivergent. He has ADHD, anxiety, and a nonverbal learning disorder,” Navarro explaied.

“Children and teens like Gus can have trouble regulating their emotions in social settings. I don’t and won’t attack Barron Trump. As far as I’m concerned, he’s out-of-bounds.

They need to leave Gus Walz the fuck alone.” Rosie O’Donnell reacted to Coulter’s remark by writing: “Talk about a cruel heartless woman – she’s the worst.” “There is a special place in Hell for adults who bully Children,” added Star Jones.

“God does not like ugly ...

and he ain’t [too] fond of vile and disgusting women who use their vast platform .