The correlation between rabid leftism and mental illness is pretty high as a general rule. 'Comedienne' Rosie O'Donnell's absolute mental breakdown this weekend is a perfect example. Honestly, this is very sad.

It's clear this is a very unstable person. This is the level of derangement and mental illness Dems have willfully subjected Americans to Just so their elites can maintain a hold on power and fleecing America, they've psyoped half the country into thinking Democracy will end if their candidate loses Death cult stuff Exactly.

They've convinced their voters their very lives are at stake. It's sickening. Complicated eyewear is a sign of mental illness. "Democracy" isn't the people you like winning. "Democracy" is when the people being governed get to vote in free elections to choose their leaders and determine their future.

Democracy includes results where you lose. She seems to think 'Democracy' is only when Rosie is happy.

🤨 I mean...

really? Me: Please Dems, let's make common cause to limit the power of govt so if someone like Trump is elected his ability to wreak havoc will be limited. Dems: Eff off! We need that power for when our guys get elected so they can create a govt utopia.

Me: Choke on Trump, then. Something to think about when BIden is making all these broad proclamations by executive fiat.

The next time around, the other guy will do the.