Much-loved American sitcom Roseanne enchanted viewers with its realistic portrayal of a working-class family from Illinois. The American sitcom ran from October 1988 until May 1997, with die hard devotees of the show falling in love with the Conner family and in particular straight-talking Roseanne. It became the number one show in America, netting four Emmys and taking home three Golden Globes.

Fans were gutted when Roseanne came to an end after nine seasons and were left stunned by the massive twist during the final episode. It turned out Roseanne wrote the fictional story herself, the Conners hadn't actually won the lottery and husband Dan had died from a heart attack. Two decades later, viewers were thrilled when ABC revived the show for a 10th season with all the main cast reprising their roles.

It was a massive success and renewed for another outing, but then controversy struck when star Roseanne Bar was involved in a racism scandal. Barr was slammed for 'racist' tweets and she apologised for making a 'bad joke' shortly before the show was cancelled by ABC. Some of the characters returned in spin-off series The Conners, which was made in 2018 without any involvement from Barr.

Here is a look at what happened to the Roseanne cast after filming ended. Roseanne Barr The titular character of Roseanne was played by comedian Roseanne Barr, the matriarch of the central family. Playing a character who was bossy and loud, the show was Roseanne's vision of exploring a working cla.