Rose Ayling-Ellis has declared that differently abled people don't get enough recognition on television, insisting she'd like to see it every day and not just at the Paralympics every four years. Talking alongside fellow pundits such as former Paralympic Ellie Simmonds , Rose quizzed: "Why does it happen every four years? Why can't it happen every day? Make it happen!" Addressing representation, the "passionate" Strictly Come Dancing 2021 champ confessed: "I'm going to get all fired up about it." Rose, who is deaf, explained: "The more we see [disabled people] on TV, the more it becomes part of our society and a norm.

People [had been] patronising me [for my deafness] but when they see me on TV as a different character and on Strictly dancing away, there's no more patronising!" Tonight's closing ceremony, held at the Stade de France in Paris, saw Paralympic performers from around the world succeed - but there won't be another official round of games until Los Angeles in 2028. Despite that, Ellie and Rose were both branded "top pundits" as they spread a positive message about British diversity. The music, dancing and speeches weren't stopped for a second by the pouring rain, delivering a symbolic message about the importance of perseverance amid adversity and success against the odds - something the Paralympians provided in spades over the past 11 days.

French singer Santa heroically pushed through despite the cloak she was wearing becoming visibly drenched in the downpour as .