Scorpios will enjoy romance this weekend. Aquarius will be drawn to adventure. Tarotist and prognosticator Olha Solomka exclusively for AstroOBOZ has compiled a horoscope for all zodiac signs for July 13-14.

Find out what awaits you. Aries This weekend will bring you a lot of joy and pleasure in a circle of nice people. Perhaps it will be time spent with family or old friends you haven't seen in a while.

Regardless of the activities, the most important thing is quality communication and the exchange of positive emotions. Taurus This period will be favorable for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Although they may not seem necessary now, they will be useful in the future.

So don't hesitate and master new knowledge until you have a deep understanding of the material. Gemini Your day off will be devoted to household chores – perhaps preparing for the winter or cleaning the territory. However, be prepared for unexpected guests who may suddenly change their plans.

Cancer This is the perfect time to implement long-held ideas. You have the time, resources, and support of your assistants, and your desire to work on a project is so strong that you're ready to give it all your energy. Leo Your active nature doesn't allow you to spend a quiet weekend.

You want to either actively relax or work productively - the main thing is not to sit around. The idea of making some money can also be attractive. Virgo Your day off promises to be truly classic, with long naps, lazy breakfasts, and re.