Actor Rohman Shawl, who was recently seen in Sai Pallavi and Shivakarthikeyan-starrer Amaran, shared his experience of playing an antagonist for the first time on screen. He has impressed the audience with his performance as Asif Wani, a terrorist. On receiving immense love from the audience, Rohman said, "I didn't think the film and my role would be so well received.
I was skeptical about playing the antagonist but the kind of love people are showing is great. I'm brutal in the film and people are hating my character, but that's something one only hopes for. People's appreciation is what we all seek.
" Opening up about why he was skeptical to play a negative role, Rohman shared, "I waited for this film for two years and did not take any other projects. I said no to big production houses, and to so much money. I thought what if it doesn't do any good? What if I go unnoticed? There were nights I couldn't sleep because of that.
But, thankfully, my gamble paid off. It has been so well received. People are recognising me and I'm getting more work.
I could just say that I've manifested it." A post shared by rohman shawl (@rohmanshawl) Rohman shared that director Rajkumar Periasamy told him he's too sweet to play a villain. "He was like, 'Rohman, I see that in your eyes.
But you're too sweet. You're too proper. So start growing your hair.
Let's get into the physicality of it'. I usually walk sophistically and he wanted me to get ruthlessness into it. He kept guiding me throughout an.