MELBOURNE, Australia — Roger Field returns to the live music industry with a new venture, Further Afield . The former Live Nation Asia Pacific president helms the advisory business, which will guide clients looking to interact with live events, with a focus on business development, market insights and industry advocacy. His approach, Field explains, is built on creating new ways to “connect the previously unconnected.

” Also, the Melbourne-based executive will leverage his know-how on advocating with government on live events. “My previous role leading an APAC organization of 300-plus people and tens of millions of dollars turnover gave me the privilege of dealing with prime ministers, premiers, politicians, media and peak bodies,” he comments, “leading to a significantly improved appreciation of the capability, scale and value of the live industry.” Prior to splitting with LN in late 2023 , Field was regularly identified as one of Billboard’s international power players, a key figure in live entertainment who led the concerts giant’s presence across Australia and New Zealand, before taking the reins in a pan-Asia Pacific role.

Field logged 13 years with the company, joining in 2010 at the launch of Live Nation Australia. Two years later, LN acquired Michael Coppel Presents, reuniting the concerts specialists (Field had worked with Coppel in 2003). The promotions would come, with Field elevated from vice president of promotions to chief operating officer, the.