Robert Downey Jr. is making a dramatic return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) as the iconic villain Doctor Doom. This unexpected move comes after a secret meeting with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige and Disney CEO Bob Iger, which Downey recently discussed on The Hollywood Reporter’s "Awards Chatter" podcast.

The Secret Meeting With Kevin Feige In the interview, Downey revealed how Feige’s creative vision played a crucial role in his return. Initially, Downey and his wife, Susan, thought their meeting with Feige was about Downey’s potential involvement in Disney theme parks. Instead, Feige pitched the idea of Downey taking on the role of Victor Von Doom, a character with a complex legacy in Marvel lore.

Feige expressed his desire to "get Victor Von Doom right," aiming to exceed fan expectations while bringing a fresh perspective to the character. Downey was intrigued by the challenge, noting, "Feige is a very sophisticated creative thinker. When he proposed bringing me back as Doctor Doom, it felt like a compelling opportunity.

" The discussion with Feige led Downey to meet with Bob Iger, who was equally enthusiastic about the idea. Iger invited Downey and Feige to Disney's Imagineering Campus, where Downey was impressed by the innovative projects being developed. Downey described the experience as "beyond my expectation," highlighting the exciting potential of future Marvel projects.

Unveiling Doctor Doom at Comic-Con Downey's return as Doctor Doom was offic.