Rob “the Rabbit” Pitts, star of Netflix’s car renovation reality series Tex Mex Motors , died on Sunday at age 45 from stomach cancer. Before his death, he created a “This is Goodbye” video— uploaded to YouTube, where it has over 1.9 million views—about his symptoms, urging fans to pay attention to their bodies’ warning signs.

Pitts’ symptoms started last year after an autor show in Las Vegas, he wrote in the video, a series of images set to music overlaid with text. “I was losing weight,” he explained. Then, during filming of season 2 of Tex Mex Motors , he lost his appetite and had acid reflux-like symptoms.

While he went to urgent care a few times to treat his symptoms, Pitts said, they “didn’t get to the root of the problem.” In March, he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Who gets stomach cancer? Stomach cancer accounts for about 1.

5% of all new cancers diagnosed in the U.S. every year, according to the American Cancer Society.

As you age, your risk for diagnosis increases. Around 60% of those diagnosed with stomach cancer each year are 65 or older. Some people are at greater risk just by belonging to certain demographic groups—adults older than 45, men, and Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders tend to be at more risk for developing stomach cancer.

While it is not as common as breast, prostate, and lung cancers—the leading cancers in the U.S., according to the National Cancer Insti.