The actor's son died in January 2018 from cancer loves to cherish the memory of his son Henry, who died at age 21⁄2 from cancer. The actor, 47, appeared on a Monday, July 22 episode of and spoke about his son Henry, who died in January 2018 from cancer. "In 2018, my son Henry, he died of a brain tumor that he was diagnosed with right around his first birthday.

And yeah, he died in the beginning of 2018 and he was just the sweetest little most wonderful guy," Delaney begins. "We say that about all of our kids but Henry was better than other children. And he was so funny and his brain tumor was in the back of his head near his brain stem, so it brought him a lot of physical disabilities ‘cause that stuff is controlled back there.

" "But his frontal lobe was fine so he was very funny and smart and charming and gorgeous and flirty and silly and brilliant," the proud dad continues. "He learned sign language cause he couldn’t talk cause he had a tracheostomy." Related: Continuing to say that he wrote a book about his son, Delaney shares that he wanted to write about grief since it can be different for everyone.

"I always thought there’s a lot of stuff written about grief where people are kind of like, ‘And then one day the sun came out again.’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, enough of that crap,' " Delaney says. "It’s a nightmare and I figured the best thing I could do was sort of elucidate how awful it is.

And let the reader glean hope by seeing that my family is okay now bu.