Kannada actor Rishab Shetty, who won the Best Actor in a Leading Role award at the 70th National Film Awards for his directorial film 'Kantara' is receiving flak for his statement on Bollywood films. Rishab, who is on a promotional spree for his upcoming film 'Laughing Buddha' said that Bollywood shows India in a bad light. ADVERTISEMENT In an interview with MetroSaga, said, "Indian films, especially Bollywood, show India in a bad light.

These art films are invited to global events and given a red carpet-welcome. My nation, my state, my language is my pride. Why not show it on a positive note? That's what I am trying to do.

" This statement didn’t go down well with a section of netizens, who also pulled up Rishab’s controversial waist-pinching scene from ‘Kantara’. One user wrote, “Success is temporary, but pinching a female waist & sh*tting on Bollywood is permanent.” “That's why I call the majority of these South stars as hypocrites.

They are only concerned about their language,” added another. One user wrote, “Bollywood is the only industry in India that has been recognized by people outside India..

.they have opened markets to other Indian films in the International market..

.” Another user commented, “Such a jealous soul. Katter bollywood hater.

He begged the Bollywood audience to support his third-class class overrated film that was filled with animal killing, sex perverts, meat-eating, women abusers, etc. Showing his true color.” The 70th were anno.