The internet isn't happy with actor-director Rishab Shetty after he criticised Bollywood, saying that it presents films in a negative light worldwide. Recently, speaking with MetroSaga , Rishab reportedly said that he believes in presenting his "nation, state, and language" in a positive light. (Also Read | Rishab Shetty says OTT platforms don't buy Kannada content: Forced to put our content on YouTube ) Rishab on Bollywood films Times of India quoted Rishab speaking to MetroSaga in Kannada, "Indian films, particularly Bollywood, often portray India negatively.

These so-called art films get showcased at international events and receive special attention. For me, my nation, my state, and my language are sources of pride. I believe in presenting them in a positive light to the world, and that's exactly what I strive to do.

" Reddit reacts to Rishab's remark Taking to Reddit, a post was shared with the caption, "Meanwhile Rishabh Shetty in his own film." A clip of Rishab from his film Kantara was shared in which he pinched co-star Sapthami Gowda's waist. Reacting to it, a person said, "Also another scene where he was peaking when she is bathing.

It was really uncomfortable to watch; no doubt the movie was great, but sexual harassment is too normalised in Indian cinema." A comment read, "Never-ending naval fetish." A Reddit user said, "Back when I was a child, I realized that there was something wrong with South Indian songs.

Later, I realized it was the navel. They sexualize it a.