Leaders and political groups in Sussex have come together to say "rioters are not welcome" and condemn the violence that has broken out across the country after fatal stabbings in Southport last week. Brighton and Hove City Council leader Bella Sankey offered support and solidarity to all communities in the city and it was "sickening and shocking" to see the violence unfolding in other parts of the UK in recent days. Her statement comes amid rumours of planned protests across Sussex, the details of which The Argus has chosen not to publicise.

Last night, Hastings Labour MP Helena Dollimore condemned the violence and said in a statement: "If you are thinking of coming here to cause division and disorder, you are not welcome." Cllr Sankey said: "Following the horrific scenes of racist violence that have taken place across England over the past few days I want to express the council’s full support and solidarity with all our communities in the city. "It is sickening and shocking to see violent extremists, whipped up by online agitators and misinformation, take to the streets and target Muslims, black people, asylum seekers and people of colour.

Councillor Bella Sankey has strongly condemned violence seen in the wake of the tragic incidents in Southport "This violent racism has no place on the streets of Britain or our democracy and we must see order restored and perpetrators brought swiftly to justice. "To our black, Muslim and minority ethnic residents, I know that the scenes.