Just two months after news broke that Riot Fest was moving out of Douglass Park and heading to southwest suburban SeatGeek Stadium in Bridgeview for its 2024 edition, festival organizers on Wednesday announced the music extravaganza will be held at its longtime Chicago venue next month. According to Wednesday’s announcement from the Chicago Park District, Ald. Monique Scott (24th) and fest organizers, “strong support from the North Lawndale leadership and community” was among the key reasons for the location about-face.

The festival is slated to run Sept. 20-22. The announcement noted Park District Board approval is still needed, but Park District CEO Rosa Escareno didn’t expect any complications.

“We were ready to approve the permit in June,” Escareno said. “As long as they come to the board meeting in September and meet all the requirements again, we will welcome them back.” She credited local Ald.

Monique Scott with putting the pieces of RiotFest together again. “The alderwoman strongly believes that this is good for her community. If that’s the case, who are we to stand in the way?” As of Wednesday afternoon, the festival’s website still reflected a Bridgeview event.

The announcement also noted discussions with the park district “about a longer-term partnership that will secure the future of the festival in Chicago” are part of the deal. The festival announced its exit from Douglass Park in June after a 10-year run plagued by controversy in rec.