Actress Rinku Ghosh , currently featured in the television series 'Anokha Bandhan,' has emphasized the paramount importance of parents in one’s life, just ahead of National Parents Day on July 28. Ghosh, known for her roles in Hindi, Bengali, and Bhojpuri projects, believes that parents hold a sacred place and should be revered throughout the year, not just on a designated day. In her recent remarks, Ghosh questioned the idea of dedicating just one day to honor parents, stating, “How can one day be enough for parents? In India, parents should still hold the most superior position in a family.

” National Parents Day is meant to celebrate the dedication and sacrifices parents make for their children, but Ghosh feels that such recognition should be an everyday occurrence. The actress expressed concern over the treatment of elderly parents in modern society, noting that some individuals abandon their parents in old-age homes or neglect them entirely. “Our parents don’t want any luxuries from us; they just want a little time and compassion,” she said.

Ghosh underscored the need for care and empathy, criticizing the younger generation for often lacking these essential qualities. Highlighting the generational divide, Ghosh pointed out that today's youth often forget basic manners and respect, adopting slang and disrespectful behavior. She stressed that it is crucial for current parents to instill values of respect and compassion in their children.

For Ghosh, her own paren.