Centuries ago, a wealthy, homely, unathletic aristocrat could commission a portrait that depicted him as an Alexander the Great look-a-like astride a snorting, rearing stallion (“ Rinehart letters reveal effort to axe portraits ”, July 26). These vanity pieces were generally hung on the walls of the aristocrat’s home. Nowadays, the portraits in major galleries are selected on their artistic merit, not the thickness of the subject’s wallet.

If Gina Rinehart wants to gaze on a flattering picture of herself, I am sure there are plenty of software programs that can transform her visage into the image she desires so much. Just don’t expect the National Gallery of Australia to hang it. Mike Reddy, Vincentia Vincent Namatjira’s portraits of Gina Rinehart were the subject of requests for removal.

I find Kyle Chalmers’ chest tattoo to be unflattering and offensive, but I have no right to suggest he remove it or cover it up. Vincent Namatjira’s portrait of Gina Rinehart is in the style of his other portraits - it’s neither flattering nor unflattering. It does what art is supposed to do: make you think, question and react.

It’s not my cup of tea, but I’m grateful we live in a country where Namatjira and Chalmers can express themselves freely and not be censored by powerful interests. Peter Campbell, Potts Point It’s not only swimmers, politicians and business alumni that wouldn’t be where they are today without the actions of Hancock. Surprisingly, Aboriginal p.