A conservative shouting match erupted on CNN Monday morning as panelists argued about a confusing comment from Donald Trump's running mate Sen. J.D.

Vance and one Republican's controversial take. Matt Gorman, former advisor to Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), started screaming when David Frum, onetime speechwriter for former President George W.

Bush, suggested there was a dark motive behind Vance's attacks on Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN). "It's not nice, it's not true," Frum said.

"But what he's trying to suggest is that Tim Walz is a sexual deviant." "What are you talking about?" Gorman roared. "That's ridiculous!" Vance made a comment that spurred this exchange during a CNN interview with anchor Dana Bash over the weekend which she found unconvincing.

The Ohio senator pointed to a moment when Walz, on stage for the announcement he would be Vice Kamala Harris ' running mate, turned with his hand extended and found himself facing his wife. "When I had just been announced as the V.P.

nominee, I gave my big speech and I saw my wife and I gave her a big hug and a kiss because I love my wife and I think that's what a normal person does," Vance told Bash. "Walz gave his wife a nice firm midwestern handshake and then tried to sort of awkwardly correct for it." Bash shook her head as she recounted the comment Monday morning and said, "I can't believe we're having this conversation.

" She then argued Walz, who famously dubbed the MAGA right "weird," had simply not realized his wife was standing next to.