Ranbir Kapoor's sister and daughter of actors Neetu Kapoor and late Rishi Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni has expressed concern over her daughter's presence on social media. While Riddhima stayed away from movies, she is still well known face and has often made television appearances with her family. She, along with her daughter Samara also got papped in the city.

Young Samara has always obliged for pictures for the paparazzi and is also quite active on social media. However, mother Riddhima is concerned about her teenage daughter's presence on social media. ADVERTISEMENT In an interview with UK-based radio jockey Anushka Arora, Riddhima said, "At times it worries me, because she is (active) a lot on social media, she posts pictures and videos of hers almost every day,” “I told her that if she wants to be on Instagram, she needs to go private.

But that's a challenge. I didn't want her to be on social media because of all the trolling and she is your typical 13-year-old. She tends to read comments and obviously it plays in the back of your mind when people write not-so-nice things about her.

I told her she needs to go private or get off social media. But she says if she goes private, she won't get followers!" she further said. “I try very hard to discipline her, but my husband spoils her! I do everything in my stride to get some discipline.

At least I try. It is a different generation though,” she added. Riddhima met her husband Bharat while studying in London.

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