Richard Harri,renowned photographer and nature enthusiast, has announced acharitable collaboration with Cure Kids, a leading NewZealand charity dedicated to funding medical research toimprove children's health. As part of thiscollaboration, Richard Harri has donated a stunningphotograph capturing the beauty of Browns Island at sunrise,featuring the island bathed in morning rays with glassywaves in the foreground. This photograph, a testament to NewZealand's natural splendour, which was auctioned off tosupport Cure Kids' initiatives at the annual charity dinnerraising $530.

Throughout themonth of August, Richard Harri will also donate 10% of allsales from his photography website,

nz,to Cure Kids. This initiative aims to raise awareness andfunds for crucial research that addresses health challengesfaced by children in NewZealand. Cure Kids CEO, FrancesSoutter, expressed gratitude for Richard Harri's support,stating, "We are thrilled to have the support of RichardHarri and appreciate his commitment to our mission.

Hisgenerous donation and ongoing support of Cure Kids willimpact the lives of children and theirfamilies." Richard Harri's photography showcases hisdeep connection to New Zealand's environment, with aportfolio that captures the essence of its coastal beautyand adventurous spirit. His work is celebrated both locallyand internationally, with prints available in variousformats including canvas, acrylic, and professionally framedoptions.

RichardHarri is.