Why does it seem that in the Santa Clarita Valley and surrounding areas we are witnessing what seems to be a huge upturn in serious auto accidents that we are reading about every day in The Mighty Signal? I have a theory: Simply put, we are all having to deal with “too much darn traffic” and too many frustrated drivers trying to commute through the SCV becoming irritated with their inability to maintain some sort of decent forward rate of travel! And why is this so? I believe we are over-building here in the SCV. With every new home or business comes more people that bring many more vehicles per household, and per business, and also way more traffic than this valley can efficiently handle. With excess traffic comes excess frustration, and now all of our traffic signs and traffic lights are becoming merely a “suggestion.

” That is, you can go faster than the posted speed limit, you can drive as crazy as you think you can get away with, you can run red lights, you can do a rolling stop at stop signs, etc. God forbid you should try to keep a safe driving distance behind the vehicle in front of you, because if you leave more than just one car-length distance this will allow crazy drivers the ability to cut in front of you, which most of us give into just to be courteous. Some will signal then come on over while others just cut you off knowing that you’ll back off and let them in or risk damaging both vehicles.

It’s like drivers are playing some sort of a computer race .