UPDATE, with response statements: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has dropped out of the presidential race, sort of, leaving his rocky Independent campaign behind and aligning the iconically Democrat name with the Republican party of Donald Trump .

“In an honest system, I believe that I would have won the election,” he said today, running counter to polls but sounding very Trumpian, with talks of “sham” primaries and a “palace coup” against Joe Biden. He castigated Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris for not yet granting media interviews, a common Republican talking point in recent weeks. Kennedy didn’t quite end his campaign, but says he’s merely suspending it and will remain on ballots in some battleground states.

While at one point insisting quixotically that it’s still possible he might end up in the White House, he also said, “In my heart, I no longer believe I have a realistic path to an electoral victory. I am not terminating my campaign. I am simply suspending it.

” At another speech in Arizona, Trump said of Kennedy’s endorsement, “That’s big. He’s a great guy, respected by everybody.” Kennedy’s endorsement of the Republican candidate was not unexpected: Recent reports have him shopping around for a new side to play on, reaching out to both political parties and meeting with members of the Trump team.

Kennedy’s campaign recently said he would make a statement on his “path forward” at today’s speech in Phoenix, Arizon.