Col Satish Singh Lalotra ‘THE BOOK OF NATURE HAS NO BEGNINING, AS IT HAS NO END’—JIM CORBETT. Life has myriad colours which spread numerous hues in our lives. Each hue has its own stimulus that can be described as similar to or different from each other.

Books are one such stimuli that give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. One such extraordinary book that has within its realm history, conservation, nature, wild life all rolled into one is -‘The Corbett story: unfolding the tiger reserve’. The name ‘Jim Corbett’ is enough in the world to take one into the wilds of the sub-continent and know his intrepid hunter cum conservationist ways that are all imprinted in his excellent books.

The sole recipient of the prestigious award of ‘Kaiser -e-Hind’ bestowed by the British on any hunter cum conservationist, ‘The Corbett story’-unfolding the tiger reserve’ is more of a ‘Coffee table book’ unraveling the hunter cum conservator’s efforts in the wilds of India. With dimensions of 12” X 9” & sporting a hard-cover with a white background suitably interposed with a big face of a tiger looming from its center, drawn intelligently is the essentiality of this book. Nape of the tiger starting from his ears blend into the background of forests that seem to be easily forming part of the yellow and white stripes of the body of this beast, personifying the ever straddling of this carnivore in the wilds of.