If you're looking to spruce up your home decor you might want to check out Twinkly Squares - LED smart panels that are not only striking to look at but also a canvas for your own imagination. I tried out the starter pack to see if I could showcase the tech and my creativity. The starter pack of six panels sells for £249 from Currys and the Twinkly website .

Each panel has 64 individual LED lights and fits together easily in pretty much any way you want. It's this modular design that allows you to be inventive. Of the half a dozen panels one is the 'master' which plugs into the mains.

Then it's a matter of arranging them how you like and connecting them with cables and ties. The initial instructions are a little sparse but it was easy enough to work out. Attaching them to a wall might be a different matter as all you get is a template Wanting to keep it simple the first time around.

I opted for a straight 3x2 rectangle and found it simple to get it all together. Then it was time to download the app, get it connected to the wi-fi via Bluetooth and have some fun. The multi-color LED lights can display 16 million colors allowing you to showcase light patterns, GIFs and animated artwork.

However, this is where I bumped into one annoying limitation. The app comes with lots of pre-installed patterns and pictures but none of the images are designed for 3x2. To get the most out of them you are going to need more panels.

For a full-on 32x32 you'll need 16 panels but one master square .