By this point, auto-catchers aren't new to the Pokémon GO community. These generally pocket-sized devices catch 'mon and spin PokéStops while your mind is on other things, leaving you to focus on the Battles, upgrades, and Raids whenever you return to the app. Niantic has its own range of companion devices like the catchily-named Pokémon GO Plus+ , but the third-party market is huge, with each developer working to add another gimmick to make its product the very best (like no one ever was).

And so we arrive at the Pocket Auto Catch ND , the latest Pokémon GO assistant from BrookGaming — the team behind last year's petit powerhouse 'Light' model . It can catch Pokémon and spin PokéStops like every other option out there, but it also packs in a handy auto-reconnect feature and a speedy auto-tapper for Raids and Battles. All that comes bundled for $60 — a fair step more expensive than Niantic's official offering, but by no means the priciest option out there.

But there are a few catches. Auto-reconnect is still a pain in practice, auto-catch options are still limited to standard Pokéballs only and the multi-button design feels needlessly complicated compared to the simplicity of other designs on the market. Catching 'em all may be a breeze, but this isn't Pokémon GO perfection.

Let's start with that design. With its hexagonal shape, seven face buttons and two 'bumpers', the ND is one of the busier-looking auto-catchers on the market; it wouldn't be out of pla.