Thirty years ago, a game like may never have made it to American shores. Publishers would have judged it too foreign, with characters influenced by Japanese folklore and fighting moves inspired by an ancient form of dance called the kagura. Capcom’s latest title, an action-strategy game, would have been hard to explain to U.

S. audiences in the past, but the pop culture landscape has changed, with anime becoming more mainstream and gamers more interested in Japanese culture. In that environment, a project such as “Kunitsu-Gami” can carve a niche for itself based not just on the gameplay but also the subject matter as well.

It’s a fascinating title that mixes the strategy of tower defense games with the visceral combat of an action title such as Thrown in the mix is a dabble of for good measure. It’s an amalgam of genres that works but it also has some of the console drawbacks. https://www. “Kunitsu-Gami” follows the Maiden Yoshiro and her Guardian Soh who are traveling around Mount Kafuku when a defiling essence takes over the land. Villagers are cocooned up and monsters called Seethe attack whoever is out at night.

It’s up to the two to purify the contagion spreading on the mountain. That will take them through 27 chapters, where the two have to rescue villagers, rebuild their towns and fight bosses inspired by “yokai,” a Japanese term for creepy-looking spiritual beings. The campaign is divided into two types of levels.

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