PITTSFIELD — Twice a year, the three-member Minnesota Board of Pardons meets to consider applications for clemency from convicted and sentenced felons who have lived successfully in their respective communities for a minimum of five years after having served their time in prison. The board comprises the governor, the chief justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court and the state attorney general. Selected applicants are given 10 minutes to plead their case, accompanied, if they wish, by one or more supporters.

Anyone opposed to a particular pardon request also may speak. A pardon sets aside the original conviction and removes it from the applicant’s criminal record. What: “Forgiveness” by Mark St.

Germain. Inspired by the Minnesota Board of Pardons. Directed by Ron Lagomarsino With: Joyce Collins, Rodney Hicks, Darlene Hope, Peggy Pharr Wilson Who: Barrington Stage Company Where: St.

Germain Stage, Sydelle and Lee Blatt Performing Arts Center, 36 Linden St., Pittsfield When: Through Aug. 25 Performances: 7:30 p.

m. Wednesdays; 8 p.m.

Thursdays through Saturdays; 2 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 3 p.

m. Sundays Running time: 1 hour, 5 minutes (performed without intermission) Tickets: $25 - $67 Reservations and information: 413-236-8888; barringtonstageco.org “[It] restores civil rights including the right to vote, hold public office and own firearms,” one of the board members explains early in Mark St.

Germain's intellectually and emotionally stimulating new play, “ Forgi.