Musical Theatre Salisbury's The Addams Family follows the story of an eccentric family living in America who live an arguably dark and twisted life. The real star of the show was Amy Mitchell who played Wednesday Addams, the daughter who has fallen in love with a 'normal' young man from a more conventional family. Amy had a stunning singing voice, destined for West End, and performed with a convincingly strong American accent.

I t's quite unbelievable to hear this is her first show with Musical Theatre Salisbury but she certainly has a bright future on stage. READ MORE: Wiltshire sweeps the board at National Children's Awards Her father, Gomez (Marcel Corson) was another star of the show, portraying a hilarious and chaotic father and husband - a real character and memorable performance. Wednesday convinces Gomez to not tell her mother, Morticia (Clare Baines) when she becomes engaged, which causes quite a stir.

Clare was perfectly cast for the elegant and slightly snooty woman who disapproved of anything conventional. Lurch, Pugsley, Morticia, Wednesday, Gomez and Granny (Image: AndreapennA Photography) The story progresses to a dinner where the families of Wednesday and her lovingly dedicated boyfriend Lucas Beineke (James Mills) meet, causing some conflicts between Morticia and Gomez against Alice Beineke (Kensey-Rose Armer) and Mal Beineke (Josh Bradley), characters who were worlds apart from the Addams. READ MORE: Word Up: Autumn colours at Stourhead, jazz at Playhouse an.