The Lush store in Hull was left with smashed front windows and products littered outside the front door after the fifth day of unrest on Saturday, one week on from the Southport stabbings. It was one of several retailers hit over the weekend, including Hull’s Shoe Zone outlet and a Sainsbury’s Local branch in Manchester. I utterly condemn the far-right thuggery we have seen this weekend.

Be in no doubt: those who have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law. pic.twitter.

com/uNeJtD8pCQ — Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) August 4, 2024 A spokesperson for Lush said: “We are devastated at what has happened to our beautiful shop in Hull and how our fellow retailers have also been treated. “We are proud to be part of a multi-racial Britain and to be part of the wonderful, vibrant and diverse community of Hull. “Our wonderful shop manager and team have worked tirelessly to get the shop ready to start trading again.

“I want to thank those that came to help with the clean-up, from contractors repairing our windows and doors, the cleaning team that worked through the night, to the community of Hull who have shared their well-wishes to our team. “As soon as we’re ready, we’re looking forward to opening our doors so that we can once again be a welcoming and safe space for everyone.” The Amazing @Hullccnews Streetscene team got on with the clean up in Hull as soon as we had clearance from our colleagues at @Humberbeat .

The idiots who caused all.