The right of income-earning children who possess responsibility in handling money must be respected by the parents. Money issues are undeniably among the things that can inevitably cause rift in parent-children relationships. One situation that was exposed to many people was the money issue between Paris Olympics double gold medalist Carlos Yulo and his mother, Angelica.

While the people feasted on the issue, countless individuals are surely saddened how this material thing has torn apart a beautiful bond between a mother and a son. Both sides surely have their own standpoints. Carlos did not care about the amount of money that was withdrawn from his bank account.

His point was that he was not informed about it. On his mother’s part, she claimed that she used the money for investments as she is only after the future of her son. Meanwhile, the issue boiled down to the mother asking for forgiveness and her son expressing, even before she apologized, that he has long forgiven her.

Money is not bad at all. While many people may deny it, it is a “need” in life. It is our love for money which can turn it into an instrument to do bad.

When it comes to possessing it, each person is entitled to handle his or her own money. Truth be told that in the Filipino culture, it is a whole lot easier from an older family member to ask the younger family member about money information than the other way around. To make it clearer, it is easier for parents to get the bank account passwords .